I provide practical and creative legal advice to help clients achieve their development visions and business objectives.
How I represent clients at Schwabe
I provide legal advice to public- and private-sector developers building commercial, industrial, and infrastructure projects in a wide range of settings, from high-density urban centers to remote rural areas and coastline zones. I also defend project approvals before local and state administrative review boards and in federal and state court, when necessary.
Whether managing the interlocking pieces of generational infrastructure projects or landmark renovations, I leverage my network of consultant relationships to support strategic, efficient, and successful project development.
I represent private and public owners and developers of large retail, office, sports and entertainment, industrial, energy, multifamily residential, and other commercial projects. These projects often entail navigating complex regulatory requirements; appropriately scaled environmental review; and thoughtful negotiations with agencies, Native American tribes, and project neighbors.
I also collaborate with clients on water supply and water rights issues in project development and assist in land use, environmental, and water rights due diligence for corporate and real estate transactions.
My project portfolio includes the major renovations and historic preservation work at Climate Pledge Arena; port terminal and mining projects; and educational, healthcare, and industrial campus facilities.
- Represented Oak View Group in its construction of Climate Pledge Arena: a cutting-edge arena within an existing landmarked structure. Also assisted the client with conducting a thorough analysis under the Washington State Environmental Policy (SEPA) and obtaining the necessary approvals from federal, state, and local landmark authorities.
- Advised a large natural resource company on site permitting and SEPA analysis for the development of a significant potash storage and export facility at a port terminal in Washington.
- Counseled California High-Speed Rail Authority, which has a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assignment from the Federal Railroad Administration, in conducting NEPA analysis.
- Represented a developer in its efforts to expand a gravel mine in Eastern Washington, assisting it in conducting SEPA analysis, obtaining the necessary local land use permits, and defending those challenges from administrative appeal to the state supreme court.
- Successfully represented Maryland Department of Transportation and Maryland Transit Administration in defending U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s approval of a Clean Water Act permit for the Purple Line transit project in Maryland.
- Representing Granite Construction Company in the appeal of a permit decision to expand operations at Rowley Quarry, which the Yakama Nation regard as a traditional cultural place/cultural landscape.
- Successfully represented citizen petitioners before Washington’s Growth Management Hearings Board and with land use petition challenges to a city contract that improperly amended comprehensive plan and growth management policies to accommodate provision of sewer services to Tribal casino project.
- University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law, Juris Doctor degree, summa cum laude, Order of the Coif (2013), Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and English, magna cum laude (2002)
- Washington State Courts
- U.S. Court of Appeals - Fourth Circuit
- U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Washington
- U.S. District Court - Western District of Washington
- Transportation Research Board, Member (2021-present); Co-Chair of AJL50, Standing Committee on Environmental Issues in Transportation Law (2023-present); Member of AJL20, Standing Committee on Transit and Intermodal Transportation Law (2022-present)
- Urban Land Institute, Member (2019-present)
- Urban Land Institute Northwest, Transportation-Oriented Development Product Council, Member (2022-present)
- CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) Seattle & Sound, Member (2019-2022)
- American Bar Association: Co-Vice-Chair, Endangered Species Committee Year-in-Review (2022); Co-Vice-Chair, Communications, Water Resources Committee (2022)
- Selected to the Washington Super Lawyers® Rising Star List, Land Use & Zoning (2023)
- Best Paper Honorable Mention Recipient, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, 29th Fall Conference: Tackling the Climate Crisis on Public Land: The Biden Approach to Public Land Management
- Best Paper Honorable Mention Recipient, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources: Had We But World Enough and Time: Will the Infrastructure Bill Change NEPA Timeframes?
Additional Publications
- Endangered Species Year in Review, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, 2020
- Trump Navigable Waters Rule Bound for Court Challenges, Law360, January 2020
- Historic Leasing and the Unfulfilled Potential to Use Partnerships to Preserve Historic Properties and National Parks, American Bar Association’s “Natural Resources & Environment,” Vo. 34, No. 3, 2020
- School Districts and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): Tips and Tactics for Success, May 2020
Additional Events
- Water-Wise Appraisals: Valuing Water in Real Estate Appraisals, Presentation given by Urban Institute for Relocation Appraisers and Consultants, Inc., August 2023
- Land Use Petition Act Procedural Considerations, Law Seminars International’s 28th Annual Comprehensive Conference on the Growth Management Act and Land Use Virtual Conference, November 2020
- New Arena at Seattle Center, CREW Seattle monthly luncheon, 2020
- The Clean Water Act Handbook Fourth Edition, American Bar Association, 2018
- Federal Public Lands chapter, Washington Real Property Deskbook, 2017
Community Activities
- QLaw Foundation, Board of Directors (2014-2019); President-elect (2015-2016); President (2016-2017)

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