Scientific and technological breakthroughs are represented by Schwabe.

19 registered patent attorneys

535 design patents

obtained in 2023


1,240 utility patents

obtained in 2023


2024 leading trademark law firm

The Patent Lawyer


Fresh From the Bench

A weekly summary of precedential patent decisions issued by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court.

What our clients say

‎”Schwabe has excellent patent attorneys, with outstanding technical depth and great business acumen, which ‎helps us make smart business decisions. Their work for us has always been high quality and their team has ‎consistently been available for time-sensitive issues. I strongly recommend the entire Schwabe team for ‎sophisticated IP work.”‎

Andrew Barofsky, President and CEO, RevMedx, Inc.


  • Successfully defended West Marine in a suit for patent, trademark, and copyright infringement, forcing the plaintiff to dismiss its patent claims and winning dismissal of some trademark claims. The plaintiff dismissed its remaining claims after we asserted a counterclaim based on the new anti-patent troll provision of Oregon’s Unfair Trade Practices Act.
  • Represent Oregon Health & Science University in the preparation and prosecution of patent ‎applications directed to medical devices, diagnostics, therapeutics, drug delivery, and ‎imaging.
  • Guided RevMedx through the process to obtain its first patent on X-Stat (a device that can instantly plug up bullet wounds to prevent victims from bleeding out before medical help arrives), named an Invention of the Year by Popular Science.
  • Represent a sportswear company in a racketeering and fraud case brought against a competitor and its supplier, alleging that they conspired to defraud the Patent Office through the filing of sham petitions for inter partes review of the company’s patents.
  • Represented a sportswear company in successfully defeating two inter partes review petitions, and setting precedential authority on the issue of who is in “privity” or a “real party in interest” under the America Invents Act.

  • Represented a knife company in a design patent infringement suit brought against its competitor, securing a permanent injunction.
  • Represented a global manufacturing client in a high-stakes trade secret misappropriation case against a group of former employees and their new employer, winning a preliminary injunction.

  • Represented a nuclear power technology company in its purchase of patent rights from a university, for a relatively large international patent portfolio that ‎we drafted and prosecuted.
  • Successfully argued an appeal before the Federal Circuit in a patent case relating to electrochemistry, defending the district court’s Markman and summary judgment decisions.

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