Pro Bono
We commit at least 50% of our pro bono legal hours to defending our communities and helping victims of racial injustice.
Schwabe’s civic efforts
Pro bono work is woven into how our firm plans, communicates and operates. Annually, our lawyers dedicate their services to the issues that affect some of our most vulnerable community members in an effort to close the justice gap.
Schwabe lawyers provide substantial legal assistance to help pro bono clients get their homes back, navigate the path to citizenship, provide legislative and legal advocacy resources for survivors of domestic violence, and solve problems relating to individual civil rights.
Defending our communities and helping victims of racial injustice
Schwabe’s Legacy of Pro Bono Work
our pledge
Schwabe has pledged to commit at least 50% of our pro bono legal hours through the end of 2023 to defending our communities and helping victims of racial injustice.
Our values contribute to our worth, communities, and each other.
While they might help us attract clients and talented colleagues today, they are also why our firm has been together for 130 years.
We’re stewards of our values. We live by them. We own them. We carry them forward.